Power Divider/Combiner
A power divider/combiner is a device used to route signals. It is available with either resistive or reactive design. Resistive power dividers are constructed in a star configuration which functions like a RF hub which is ideal in radio-to-radio RF testing. Radios connected to the RF hub will all Rx each other at the same signal level. Reactive power dividers have a fan-in/fan-out layout. Reactive power dividers have less through loss than their resistive counterparts. The reactive design also has isolation (20dB typical) between the combiner ports.
50 Ohm Models
- Reactive (low power): fan-in/fan-out with isolated combiner ports
- Reactive (high power): fan-in/fan-out with isolated combiner ports
- Resistive (low power): star configuration acts as RF hub
- Resistive (high power): star configuration acts as RF hub
- Rack Mount Assemblies: rack mount models
75 Ohm Models
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50 Ohm Reactive Divider/Combiner (High Power) (10)
50 Ohm Reactive Divider/Combiner (Low Power) (48)
50 Ohm Resistive Divider/Combiner (High Power) (7)
50 Ohm Resistive Divider/Combiner (Low Power) (43)
75 Ohm Reactive Divider/Combiner (3)
75 Ohm Resistive Divider/Combiner (11)
Power Divider/Combiner Assemblies (9)