Model 50SA-805-XX is a 19 inch rack mount RF switch assembly. The assembly is available with 1 to 8 RF switches. The switches are 50 Ohm 1P8T self-terminating type that operate 20-8400MHz. This model is available with SMA female connectors.
Example Model Numbers
50SA-805-01 SMA (1 switch)
50SA-805-02 SMA (2 switches)
50SA-805-03 SMA (3 switches)
50SA-805-04 SMA (4 switches)
50SA-805-05 SMA (5 switches)
50SA-805-06 SMA (6 switches)
50SA-805-07 SMA (7 switches)
50SA-805-08 SMA (8 switches)
Remote Attenuator Control
This switch assembly can be remotely controlled via an Ethernet connection or a serial connection (i.e. RS-232). The network settings can be changed manually with the keypad or remotely using the NET remote command. The network interface can be set to either DHCP mode or Fixed Address mode. All new test systems are shipped from the factory in DHCP mode. A RS-232 connection to the test system is made using a null modem type serial cable. Baud rates up to 155200 baud are available. The baud rate can be changed manually with the keypad or remotely with the SERIAL remote command.