JFW model 75T-035 BNC male termination 75 Ohm 2 Watt

Termination 2 Watt with 75 Ohm BNC male75 Ohm Termination and Mismatch Load

JFW’s online 75 Ohm Low power termination and mismatch load models are listed in the table below.  JFW has been designing, manufacturing, and delivering quality terminations and mismatch loads for over 30 years.  Our mismatch loads allow you to select the impedance mismatch your RF testing requires.


The terminations listed in the model table are all 75 Ohm impedance.  Terminations are used to properly terminate a port in the matching impedance to prevent RF signal reflections.

Mismatch Load

The mismatch loads in the model table have model numbers that end with -XXX.  The -XXX is used to specify the mismatch value.  For example, JFW model #75T-059-2.0 BNC M is a  2.0:1 mismatch load (i.e. 150 Ohms) with a 75 Ohm BNC male connector.

For your application, please contact JFW or use our Inquiry Form.

JFW Model #ImpedanceRF ConnectorsFrequency RangeRF Input PowerDescription
75T-00175 OhmBNC maleDC-1000 MHz1 WattTermination
75T-00275 OhmBNC femaleDC-1000 MHz1 WattTermination
75T-01875 OhmF femaleDC-2150 MHz1 WattTermination
75T-01975 OhmF male screw-onDC-2150 MHz1 WattTermination
75T-03575 OhmBNC, NDC-2150 MHz2 WattTermination
75T-04175 OhmBNC, NDC-3000 MHz2 WattTermination
75T-052-P75 OhmF male push-onDC-3000 MHz1 WattTermination
75T-05575 OhmBNC maleDC-3000 MHz2 WattTermination
75T-059-XXX75 OhmBNC, NDC-1225 MHz2 WattMismatch Load
75T-06075 OhmBNC, NDC-3000 MHz10 WattTermination