Dual Channel Attenuator (30-3000MHz, 0-127dB x 1dB)
A new dual channel attenuator assembly, JFW model 50BA-034-127 SMA, has been added to our lineup of benchtop attenuator assemblies featuring manual lever controls. This model contains two solid-state programmable attenuators with attenuation range 0 to 127 dB by 1 dB steps operating 30 MHz to 3 GHz. Each attenuator can be controlled remotely via a Ethernet or Serial connection or by using the manual levers on the front panel. The levers are a momentary type switch so you can “tap to step” or “hold to jog”. Displayed above each lever switch is the current dB value for the corresponding attenuator. If a remote user changes the attenuator settings, you will see the attenuation changes as they happen. This is useful when running a remote test script and getting to see the attenuators change states as the script executes.