Model 50MS-471 SMA | 6x6 blocking matrix switch

6X6 Blocking Matrix Switch | 400-7125 MHz

JFW model 50MS-471 is a 6X6 blocking matrix switch that operates…
Model 50MS-470 SMA | 4x4 blocking matrix switch

4X4 Blocking Matrix Switch | 400-7125 MHz

JFW model 50MS-470 is an 4X4 blocking matrix switch that operates…
50MS-455 | 4x4 Blocking Matrix Switch

4X4 Blocking Matrix Switch | DC-26.5 GHz

Model 50MS-455 is an 4X4 blocking matrix switch.  All unused…
75 Ohm 8x8 Non-Blocking Matrix Switch 5-1218 MHz | 75MS-052

75 Ohm Matrix Switches for Automated Lab Testing

JFW has added two new 75 Ohm matrix switches to our website model…
8 x 8 Non-Blocking Matrix Switch 350-6000 MHz | 50MS-426

New 8X8 Non-blocking Matrix Switch | 350-6000MHz

JFW model 50MS-426 is a 50 Ohm 8X8 non-blocking matrix switch…
8 x 8 Blocking Matrix Switch DC-18 GHz | 50MS-404

8 x 8 Blocking Matrix Switch Covering DC-18GHz

JFW model 50MS-404 is an 8 x 8 blocking matrix switch operating…
JFW model 75MS-029 75 Ohm 2x8 blocking matrix switch

Matrix Switch for use with 75 Ohm Network Analyzers

Three new 75 Ohm blocking matrix switch models have been added…
JFW model 50MS-367 50 Ohm 4x4 blocking matrix switch

40GHz Matrix Switch for SATCOM or Wireless 5G Signal Routing

JFW Model #50MS-367 2.9MM is a 4 X 4 blocking matrix switch that…