2 Watt Fixed Attenuator | N, SMA or TNC | DC-18 GHz
JFW model 50HFFA-xxx-2/18 is a fixed attenuator rated for 2 Watts…
20 Watt Termination DC-18 GHz | N or SMA
JFW model 50T-707 is a 50 Ohm impedance termination that operates…
50 Watt Fixed Attenuator with 1.61″ Diameter | N or SMA | DC-6 GHz
JFW model 50HFFT-xxx-50/6 is a 50 Ohm fixed attenuator. It…

100 Watt Fixed Attenuator with N or SMA | 50 Ohm | DC-6 GHz
JFW model 50HFFE-xxx-100/6 is a 50 Ohm fixed attenuator. It…
2-Channel Programmable Attenuator 5-3000MHz | 75 Ohm
JFW model 75PA-132 is a 2-channel programmable attenuator assembly…

75 Ohm Programmable Attenuator | 5-2150MHz | 0-63.75 x 0.25dB Steps
JFW model 75P-223 is a 75 Ohm programmable attenuator with TTL…

2 Watt 50 Ohm Terminations | N, SMA, TNC, 2.92mm, 2.4mm
JFW offers a wide variety of high frequency RF terminations. …

Bead Chain Terminations | N, SMA & TNC | DC-18GHz
The below models are all 50 Ohm terminations with bead chain…

50 Ohm Wideband Power Divider Models | 6GHz, 8.4GHz, 18GHz, 40GHz
When distributing RF signals having wideband power divider models…

Fixed Attenuators DC-8.4 GHz | 2W, 5W, 10W, 25W, 50W, 100W
JFW has a line of 50 Ohm fixed attenuators that operate DC-8.4…